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What are the tips for purchasing office chairs

2024-04-06 16:44:46

What are the tips for purchasing office chairs

1. Comfortable car headrests. Most of the original seats did not have car headrests, and people would habitually not rely on car headrests in office situations because they felt unnecessary. In fact, in order to reduce the occurrence of symptoms in the head and neck, it is still necessary to pay attention to maintaining a comfortable posture in the head and neck area during work. Choosing a car headrest that suits oneself is to reduce fatigue.

2. The seat cushion is designed with a waterfall shape in the front to prevent the diagonal angle from squeezing the nervous system and blood on the inner thigh, causing swelling, pain, and even numbness in the feet. Therefore, another evaluation point for ergonomic seats is whether there is a waterfall like slope in front of the seat cushion to achieve a natural release of pressure at the base of the thighs. The relative height between the root of the thigh and the seat cushion must be one palm to fit here.

3. Choosing the S-shaped backrest to achieve a standard sitting posture requires at least one backrest to support the abdomen. A normal person's spine has three physiological bends, not in a straight line. The neck and intervertebral disc protrude forward, while the lumbar spine protrudes backward; Therefore, in order to achieve comfort in a standard sitting posture, the backrest must have at least three fulcrums. A part of the waist must be supported, but each height is different, so being able to adjust looks necessary.

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