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What are the precautions for using office chairs?

2024-04-06 16:39:58

What are the precautions for using office chairs?

1. After prolonged sitting, one should frequently tap the area and edges that have been sitting for a long time to restore normalcy and reduce dents caused by concentrated sitting force.

2. When placing leather chairs, they should avoid heat wicking materials and prevent direct natural light. It is prohibited to expose them to strong sunlight.

3. Do not rub vigorously during regular cleaning to avoid damaging the outer skin. For leather sofas and office chairs that have been used for a long time or accidentally become dirty, they can be cleaned with a cloth dipped in soap solution of appropriate concentration, then wiped with cold water, and then dried with a clean cloth.

4. When using office chairs, the center of gravity should be placed in the middle of the air pressure rod as much as possible to ensure that the adjustment and rotation of the air pressure rod are light and flexible; Office chairs that have been in use for a long time should be regularly checked for any loose screws in the mechanism. If there is any looseness, it should be immediately tightened; Whether the torsion spring and button are loose, the elasticity of the spring should be adjusted according to the user's own weight to make the seat easy to return and most comfortable and suitable to lean on.

5. Do not leave the office chair in the sun for too long, as it will cause some plastics to age and cause alkali brittleness.

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